Heard today that John Kerry is launching an innovative new sign and poster for his campaign. It’s a multiple view poster that shows one thing when walking in one direction and another when walking the opposite.
Sources close to the Kerry campaign say that the new design will help them keep track and promote all of Kerry’s positions on important areas of the election
One poster for instance:
We shouldn’t be in Iraq, an unjust war …
and from the other direction
Why didn’t we address this problem earlier, I would have invaded much sooner
Apparently when hearing about the new signs Al Gore immediately claimed that he invented them in 2000 but the Supreme Court and 271 electoral votes kept them from being distributed.
Designed and manufactured from Moderate Productions, these signs will certainly sell quickly or maybe they won’t. Moderate Productions, while not known in the US, has a storied history in Europe having worked in Poland, France and a number of European countries in the late ’30s behind then spokesman Neville Chamberlain.