A few years ago I swore off the phrase “I’m busy” because I grew tired of hearing other people say it and I realized that it was nothing more than filler. And, everyone’s busy is different. My view of busy is certainly different than yours so I swore it off as a phrase. Sure, it […]
Unproductive Time trying to be Productive: The Search for GTD software on a Mac
Last week, I made a major change to how I work. After 16 years of exclusive Microsoft Windows Outlook use I bought a Mac. I’ve wanted a Mac for a while but always found reasons not to have one, but finally it was time. Of course, the first set of actions after getting the computer […]
Findings – Ear Plugs to Lasers – The Science of Concentration – NYTimes.com
“Multitasking is a myth,” Ms. Gallagher said. “You cannot do two things at once. The mechanism of attention is selection: it’s either this or it’s that.” A great article on how to improve concentration and the science behind it. Ear Plugs to Lasers: The Science of Concentration
The Power of Multi-switching
Multi-switching is the concept of balancing two or more projects at one time. Some call it multi-tasking but since it’s mentally impossible to multi-task (go ahead work through two things in your mind at a time – say what you’re having for dinner and your weekend plans), the best we can hope for is to […]