Why is it that when stress hits in my life my attitude and temperament become poor? Or, shall we say less bubbly and lovable than the times there is little stress? I’m not very certain but I know it happens – sadly thanks to stress – a lot.
One of the stabilizing books in my life has always been How to Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie’s classic never fails to help me change my attitude and have more success. The principles he proposes are so simple and so logical that it always disappoints me when I re-read something for the first time.
My current reading is not different. I can already feel a difference in my mind set and personality. Never criticize, see things from other people’s point of view, instill in them a great want rather than pushing for things from our point of view.
If one wants to catch fish they use worms not their favorite food. The same principle applies in business or relationships. By becoming more interested in other people; those people will become more interested in you and your ideas. Some people are naturally blessed with this internal knowledge but for me it needs to be re-read about once a year.
Each time I read it something really resonates with me. This time it is the way people react to criticize. The chapter helped explain problems I had years ago with a person in the Jaycees. Guess when I walked out of a large gathering he was speaking at it probably wasn’t the best way to address the problem. Our “relationship” was never the same after that but then again, I never wanted it to be. Should have handled the situation differently though.
Nothing like a quiet morning to help one reflect.