My what a quick week/month this has been. Every time I turn around I’m heading out for drinks or dinner with friends or for work. It’s a fun time of year but a little tiring. Only a few more days till Christmas and then New Years.
I think Christmas time is a perfect example of the Fish philosophy because during this season we are given ‘permission’ to be extra friendly, show appreciation and be there for our friends and family. So, what happens, we do a little more socializing, chatting and visiting. What’s really the difference between December 10th (my work’s Christmas party) and January 27th (no particular relevance for this date)? In reality, nothing. They are both days – mostly cold if you are north of the equator – but in December we are thinking social.
Guess the challenge for everyone is to give themselves permission all year long to be in the ‘Christmas’ spirit. Being there is such a vital thing but done far too little.