Blogs are funny things because on one hand they are private journals that can, if the author wishes, detail the deepest and darkest secrets, frustrations or ideas or depending on the person the blog can provide stories or ideas. On the other, they are very, very public sources of information that can be read by anyone.
I find myself contemplating what to write about and what to omit. Should I write detailed thoughts on my life or omit them for less specific columns on business, MBA, or politics? Often, the choice is easy because life is rolling along so thoughts on B,M, or P are the best option. Until now.
Anyone who knows me knows that I have continuously struggled with learning a second language. The idea scared me so much in undergraduate that I avoided the subject all together, but realising that I needed and to a lesser degree wanted to learn a second language I chose the London Business School because they required me to learn one.
I’m not going to rehash the past too much, but to say the first year was difficult is an understatement. Thanks to my slow start and the poor class I wanted (needed?) more instruction after year one before I could move to year 2. So, I went to Mexico. I found the experience similar to going to getting a filling at the dentist without novocaine. It was difficult but I learned a little more.
Earlier, in a now deleted post, I referenced the fact that I passed the oral exam with only the written exam to go before reaching my goal. I thought I had it. I thought that success was easily in reach. But, no.
Yesterday, I was informed that I performed well but not well enough on the diagnostic exam. To quote the lady from Kings, “You are border line” or well to be exact a “low border line.” Which, considering my original grades in this farking class, is quite an improvement. But, not my goal. And, certainly not the original objective, which was to get caught up and be ready for level 2 this autumn.
So now what?
This evening, I get to see my diagnostic exam and talk with the examiner on what I need to do to be caught up. And then, I go home and study because Monday morning at 10 am I have another test to see if Mexico was a fluke.
We shall see. I readily admit I still need extra work to really know Spanish. I am more that willing to do that extra work because despite the ridiculous amount of issues I’ve had with this silly ass requirement the language is quite interesting and enjoyable.
What I don’t accept is that I need to go back to level 1 and start over. It’s ridiculous, but until I can PROVE that I’m write and they are wrong I’m stuck. It’s up to me. I have to both know the material and perform well. Guess there’s no time like the present to get this sorted.