My first full day in New York has been fairly productive. A chat with my second year project partner, drinks organised with one my cousins, Eileen, who are living in the area and my first trip to the NYU campus.
The campus is about 10-15 minutes from my apartment (officially the London Business School blogging New York bureau since the Divine Miss N stayed here too). I walked up there this afternoon with two objectives. First, get my NYU ID card since my gut and experience at WVU says this is the key to the NYU experience and second find the gym and get a locker.
I’m happy to say that both objectives have been met. The ID card was a fairly simple process. Once finding the building, and a quick wait in line the picture was taken and card was in my hands. From there, I walked a couple blocks to the gym and got my locker. Broadband and gym membership are my two money areas. I need both to fully function. A permanent locker means that I can leave all my stuff at the gym instead of carrying it around with me.
I agree with Na … err, the Divine Miss N that the gym is very nice. So nice that I’ll be heading there after hitting post. A good run will do the mind good.
Tomorrow: deposit money, get a mobile cell phone and work on second year project applications. I thought the damn thing was organised that is starting to look less and less certain.
Well, at least I have something to think about while running.