Here’s to the Luck of the Irish – if you hope to get lucky today, I hope you do!!!!!
(just not with a leprecon, they’re a little short … not that I have an issue with short people, actually their very nice, I just mean that with the little leprecon hats it might … not that I have an issue with people who wear hats; I was merely thinking that the old style shoes … not that I have a problem with old style shoes, many of my best friends have old style shoes)
Fine! Have it your way – don’t get lucky!
Oh dear, this riff has spiraled out of control – the last time I referenced dating it was during the marketing of the Winter Ball and it upset a number of people … not that I have a problem upsetting people — wait, uh, can’t we all just be friends (and get lucky?).
I’m just pleased my brief break from writing a business paper could add such a remarkable, and utterly useless piece of writing to the Internet information sphere.