Ten days ago, I officially received my ‘I attended the London Business School’ certificate. The diploma and certificate of graduation should be along shortly. Yet, today I woke up at 4am (not on purpose) thinking about class papers that are due. So, not unlike the numerous times in the past I groggily marched out of the bedroom toward my little X41.
Currently, I’m reading a book on writing called the Pyramid Principle. In this book, it talks about how an opening paragraph should lead to main question. My guess is your question would be something like, ‘why the hell are you still working on class projects after graduation.?’ Oddly, this question has surfaced once or twice over the last couple days myself. Maybe that should be the topic of the blog post.
Actually, the answer is simple. All three of my projects last term had an outside client. So, starting last Monday with my NVD presentation and finishing this week with the handover of the Advanced Marketing Strategy and the Managing Growing Business papers I will be done. The realisation that both of those papers were written pretty quickly and under some duress, it seemed best to do at least one more review.
Why wake up so early? Because our room was hot and some dumb-ass (arse) couldn’t figure out how to keep the car alarm from going off. All in all a perfect storm to get me to my desk. Add in some things that are needed before we move (like the apartment cleaned by a professional which has yet to be hired) and it makes for an early morning.
That’s okay; par for the course. Guess it could be worse; I could be back in the real-world right now. ;)