If you’re reading this blog on the actual web page, you’ll no doubt notice that it’s look and feel are completely different. That’s thanks to me finally taking some time to track down the bug that kept breaking my layout.
First, after a little investigation I found that the layout wasn’t broken in both IE and Firefox. Just Firefox. At that point, I concluded it wasn’t a structure problem with the CSS, but how FF handled problems with the code. A quick review of the home page in both browsers showed IE7 handled the problems better than FF. Once a column was broken in FF, it completely ripped apart my layout.
So, then I just started changing the amount of pages shown on the home page. When the FF layout broke, that was the original culprit – for today it was my first audio blog. Earlier, it was the post with a long URL. Etc, etc.
It appears that pages posted to WordPress using something other than LiveWriter (which occasionally showed to be the culprit) such as a blogThis plugin in FF or Utterz directly posting created the issues.