I’m officially not allowed to say mean things about WVU’s new head football coach until our winning percentage drops below 80% for the year (includes losses to Auburn and Colorado) so, since I’m not allowed to point out that this guy appears to be in way over his head – road trips to PA to simulate road trips? They’re not 12 years old going on their first AAU trip …
But, I shall remain silent and hopeful … where’s the aspirin – my head hurts from beating it into the table. ugh
Charleston Daily Mail – WVU Sports – Bill Smith: ‘Road game planning’ is just farcical
Hate to break it to you but this is not the first time WVU has done a practice run of the road trip. Rod did it before, I think multiple times. I know you’re chomping at the bit for something, but this is the wrong bite to take.
Ahh, defending the current coach with a WV favorite, the previous coach – and, like what happened many years ago your well researched and perceptive impression of Rod – good guy, good coach – finally did win me over. Just in time, may I add. :)
The first part of rif stated that the embargo was still in place. I was merely pointing out that I agree with the author of this piece.