The weather people should really consider getting some consultants for naming huge storms. Ike? Hurricane Ike? Houston’s underwater and it’s coming for Dallas and the name sucks. It’s like they asked Microsoft for advice rather than the military (Microsoft Vista; Operation Rolling Thunder).
I’m sitting at my desk doing a little work, when I noticed that the clouds started growing a lot darker. That’s when I pulled up and found that those new dark clouds are the first clouds for, uh, Ike.
I wonder if the weather service folks have a once a year brainstorm on people they either know who are dangerous whack biscuits or are historical whackos? – Hurricane George; Hurricane Nancy . “Yeah, I had this boyfriend last year” … and bam! Hurricane Gustav or “I just love Tina Turner” …
So what names would you give a hurricane? Thinking about it, most of the whack biscuits I know aren’t dangerous (other than to themselves), but more random so if we get an occasional storm that the models aren’t able to predict then my name list would be helpful.
I wonder if there’s ever been a Hurricane Elizabeth?