I’m sitting at my desk trying, with little luck, to will myself to start on the next part of our project. We just completed a major deliverable for the client this morning, which is now followed up with a less than immediate need to finish some additional parts. And, if we do it now we can avoid having to rush or work late. But right now all I want to do is just play on the Internet.
My ‘no snooping’ screen cover is working out nicely at the office since virtually no one other than me can see my screen. Project manager walking by … quick smile … sees nothing.
Hmmmm gotta get me one of those screens!!!
Word of warning: As a general rule, those privacy screens don’t work as well as you think they do, and it’s easy to get complacent. I find it’s a good practice to go for a little wander in any new environment to figure out what your true zone of privacy is.
[Alt]-[Tab] plus fingers of lightning.