I just had a pretty serious aha moment while emptying the dishwasher. How do those glasses get so clean?
No, that wasn’t it.
The aha moment concerns my little business plan and a giant question mark that has haunted me over the last few days.
The giant question: so, how many people do we think will buy this product if we make it?
Unlike movie theatres or websites, Start-Up Castle Co needs to produce something before we actually sell it. This means putting real honest-to-God money at risk, which changes the game. Start-Up Eat Better Co (still sitting in neutral) never had this problem. Ben and I would have just wasted our time rather than our money.
So back to the ‘aha’ – what’s the demand?
It only took me three days to finally get it – I won’t be able to judge demand from my desk-based research. It’ll have to be done through some type of primary research – interviews, focus groups and an online survey.
Why am I depressed by this breakthrough? Because I should have f#$king known better. The irony is that I have written this key point down in a couple places in my notes only to go back to worrying about why I can’t think through the entire problem. Ugh. Double ugh.
Better late than never I guess. Thankfully, no one found out about me missing this someone simple point.
On a positive and completely unrelated note: the bunny that lives under the shrub across the street has made an appearance for the first time in months. Maybe it’s a sign. Of what? Time for a beer and a couple carrots.