I’m sitting in Morgantown WV after what has been a tumultuous seven full months. In case you’re curious, yes, I live here and I’m not making one of the many trips I’ve made back to WV over the years to visit or take care of my grandmother. And, yes, I’m here alone.
Marriages are wonderful; divorces are awful.
I would highly recommend not getting married until after you’re 30 so you really understand who you are and what you want rather than taking a guess in your 20s. I may spend some time writing about the logistics of getting divorced including how farking worthless 99% of online reviews are (lawyers have embraced online reputation management) and some interesting gotchas in the asset negotiation part of the process. Oh, and don’t cheap out on a lawyer – go top shelf from the start.
I’m now back in WV wondering what is next for my life. It feels like I’m at one of these crossroads in which I can choose to finally give up on big dreams and settle or I need to get my sh*t together and start moving toward something useful and sustainable.
I’m leaning toward getting my sh*t together, but the draw of giving up is pretty big right now. I know it’s the burnout, illness (three big ones in seven months including fighting through the remnants of one right now) and fatigue that’s got me thinking about finding a company that produces TPS reports, but the feeling is very real, right now.
I’m spending today recovering and planning for this week and the future. The future is bright and there’s a number of things in my life that are going great, but the I can’t help but occasionally wonder, what the heck happened to the last 38 years?
My plan is to share more on this blog and try to walk the fine line of sharing while not hurting my job hunt. The saddest thing is some of my best content would immediately keep me from getting employed by other companies. For now at least, I need to walk that line.
For today, I think I’ll go through all the TechWhirl To-Dos and Job Search To-Dos and decide which ones are the most important. It’s time to start small – what will I accomplish today?