Herd Dodged, Stewart Employable 3 More Games
Before rolling into some thoughts, I want to make a couple things absolutely clear – first and foremost, I want a competitive, well coached team that brings pride to my alma-mater. The academic ship has sailed, so we have football. Second, I want a national championship because “the all time winningest division 1A football program […]
WVU plays Marshall University today in what is hokely called the Coal Bowl. While I appreciate that coal is a major part of the states economic success picture naming the game the Coal Bowl is well, uninspiring. Yet, I digress from the the real topic of this post. UM (notably the sound most Marshall grads […]
A little steak and a world wide celebration
London Business School World Wide Celebration Dallas was a great success. We’re not the largest alumni group in Dallas, but we all certainly enjoyed having a great meal at III Forks and catching up. Here’s hoping it’s the first of many meals, drinks and conversations.
I’m sitting at my desk trying, with little luck, to will myself to start on the next part of our project. We just completed a major deliverable for the client this morning, which is now followed up with a less than immediate need to finish some additional parts. And, if we do it now we can […]