Tomorrow is kickoff. Tomorrow the misery of the pit loss starts to diminish. All the talk and the worry about a head painter instead of an architect leading the design will either start to be put to rest, or start the process of WVU finding a real coach. I will not change my mind until […]
TEAM … USA is bringing home the gold for Men’s (and Women’s) basketball by proving they were the best players and the best team out on the court. ahem … U…S….A! U….S….A!
Charleston Daily Mail – WVU Sports – Bill Smith: 'Road game planning' is just farcical
I’m officially not allowed to say mean things about WVU’s new head football coach until our winning percentage drops below 80% for the year (includes losses to Auburn and Colorado) so, since I’m not allowed to point out that this guy appears to be in way over his head – road trips to PA to […]
116 to 85
Boomer – it’s what’s for dinner.
Yahoo: Fire Eagle
Okay, I just joined Fire Eagle from Yahoo because I liked the name and it seemed interesting. But, frankly, I have no idea why it’s a useful tool. In case you’re unfamiliar with Fire Eagle it’s a service that tells people where you are at anytime. FE supplies data to numerous applications and appears to […]