I rarely ever watched Tim Russert, nor even could be considered a fan, which makes it odd to now feel sad at his passing. But, he was a colorful and dedicated journalist who was often accused by both sides as having a bias. This probably means he was balanced. My prayers and thoughts go out […]
Twice in Two Weeks
Wow, what luck … The same fella I wrote about last week is in my row once again. But, luckily not beside me. I feel like passing the person beside him a note just to be good Samaritan.
Project: Week 1
Tools on Planes
Mobile blogging moment. When I say tools on planes I don’t mean something sold at a hardware store. No, I mean people with so little personality that just by saying hi, it makes me want to fling myself off the plane at high altitude. Or, push the sorry SOB off. Because in this case nothing […]
Lakers vs. Celtics
During my childhood, late May and early June were dedicated to watching Larry Bird and Magic Johnson play basketball. Or, at least that’s how it seems today. I don’t remember a great deal of childhood. Leveling and some wilful amnesia have all but erased most of it, but during some magical late- spring evenings during […]