You know you’ve had a tough day when you desperately want to trade places with one of the little woodland creatures playing in the yard outside.
Instapaper – Easy way to save something you want to read online, but you don't have time now
I just came across a great little website that helps one save pages they want read but don’t have time right now. This happens to me a lot via Google News or my Wired link. See an article that looks interesting, click on ‘Read Later’ and the link is saved on their site. Then, either […]
Go Meadow Bridge (Dad's School)
Special props go out to the kids at Meadow Bridge High School and their principle, Al Martine, Sr. From the Register-Herald Story: Meadow Bridge High School on Thursday was named top dog among six area high schools competing in the Battle of the Belts High School Seatbelt Challenge, an annual competition sponsored by the Governor’s […]
Sydney vs. London
40 Hrs +
So you’re a recent MBA graduate whose next consulting project doesn’t start for another three weeks … What ya going to do? a) sleep in? b) work on charity startup? c) write blog posts? d) ask other people at your firm if they need any help? e) other For the record, this is a completely […]