The events of the last couple days have gotten me thinking about employee loyalty. Not mine – things at Infy are going pretty well. No, I was thinking more about how loyalty changes and remains the same no matter if you’re at the bottom of the pile as a new recent graduate or, say the […]
Flight Delays – A Right of Passage
I’m experiencing my first real flight delay today – 3 hours chillin’ in the Seattle – Tacoma Airport. It’s not too bad. A little music and a warm fuzzy technical document that is due tomorrow. One of the custodial staff just walked by signing. It was loud enough to catch my attention. At first, I […]
Led Zeppelin
Okay, maybe today I miss London …
New Thursday Dinner
American Airlines changed their evening sandwich! Yeha! Man, I’m so excited I could run up the isle and give a chest bump to one of the stewardesses. Short of the plane crashing, nothing can bring me down from this high.
Shoulder Augmentation
Either my shoulders have become wider (can shoulders become fat?) or the size of the stewardesses asses hips have become wider. Every single walk down the isle by one of our fuller-figured American Airlines folks has resulted in a cotton burn on my shoulder. MBA Analysis – this is what happens when an airline has […]