It’s almost like I’m back in Finance or Economics class again. :) Slap the Nerd – slap ugly nerds before they open their mouth
Most Exciting .35 miles – Ever
This morning’s newspaper and croissant run was done in a … 3.5 Liter 6 cylinder 287 Horsepower Burgundy Opportunity to lose my licence in Texas … 350Z
Back-seat toilet to end mishaps in traffic jams – Yahoo! News
Blog title was automatically generated by the ‘Blog This’ plug-in for Live Writer but what a great line. New toilets in cars – yahhhooooooo! A few takes on this article. First, it will hopefully lead to different technologies for different areas of our lives such as sleeping. I’ve always wanted to have a little door […]
Dutch open "Big Brother" restaurant to study diners – Yahoo! News
Once upon a time, I pitched a similar idea to our Understanding Entrepreneurial Management class. Technically, it’s not big brother, it’s market research. Dutch open “Big Brother” restaurant to study diners – Yahoo! News
Day 2.5 in Dallas, Apartment Day
We’ve now been in Dallas over two days and both of us are ready to find an apartment so we can start getting settled. The final straw was the fire alarm at our hotel last night around 12am (guess that’s morning really). Once the apartment is secured then onto searching for a car. We’ve scheduled […]
Column Issues in Word Press
Starting last night, I’ve had trouble with the default layout of my blog. For some reason it drops the right column to the bottom. So, until I find a fix for it this layout will have to do.
Soon, A Technology Consultant
From Dilbert.Com a few days ago
Wedding Day
The planning is over. Now it’s time to tie the knot. T-minus 6 hours …
Control Things with your Mind
Damn this is cool
We're Number 1
As my Dad put it 10 years ago, at least we’re number one is something. For all those half-sober freshmen, this bud’s for you! Update from FoxNews: This year, WVU finishes among the Top 10 in several other categories: No. 4 in Students Pack the Stadiums; No. 5 for Best College Library; No. 6 for […]