A week ago today, I finally became an entrepreneur and business owner. It’s been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember and thanks to a serendipitous opportunity and the partnership of an old friend, it’s finally come true. And no, it’s not the ‘start-up’ I’ve mentioned in previous discussions and blog […]
Sometimes I wonder about my old company
And then I see Scott did too …
Just Whirling Along … time to use a little INK for an Update
The last hours of winter seem like a good time for a Startup Co update. After what has felt like a lifetime of delay, which truth be told was only around two weeks after finishing negotiations, Connie and I are very close to finishing the purchase an online company. Or, project, if you read the […]
Rocky like preparation
You’ll need to immediately replace imagery of Rocky running through the streets of Philadelphia and punching meat in a freezer with far more romantic imagery of someone with poor posture installing Linux distributions on virtual machines and closely following online training programs to learn how to run Drupal. Rocky needed to beat Mr. T; I […]
What’s the Value?
I’ve spent the last week or so working with a friend doing research into an online company. Early in the process we mapped out the issues that needed addressed and the basic criteria that we’d need to confirm before making the offer. The initial research has shown a good company that has plenty of room […]
Planning and Managing So Many Areas
I’m finding it difficult to keep all my thoughts organized concerning New Co. At this moment, I’m working on financial valuations, the business plan, due diligence, and investigating technology platforms. The process of deciding what’s the most immediate need is getting easier but still seems chaotic. The last three days have provided a lot of […]
The Cost of Laziness
How does one motivate an employee to give that extra effort when trying to solve a problem before coming into the managers office to ask for help? Numerous books have been written on the subject of motivation by people far smarter than me. The normal take-away is that one person can not motivate another one. […]
A Shout-Out to my old work colleagues
Difficult Decisions: WVU Football
[this was originally a Facebook status in response to those folks who seem to believe that WVU AD, Oliver Luck, somehow caused the train wreck that was the Chumps Champs Bowl.] Dear WVU MAC and those not really paying attention to the state of WVU football: I’m pleased WVU has hired a professional for AD […]