My current hosting contract ends in a few weeks and I’d intended to changing hosting companies but thanks to some asshole who decided to exploit some vulnerability in my old site I’ve gotten to fast forward the changes. So far, other than doing it all using my iPhone as a modem thanks to being WV […]
I know I’ll probably take some heat for this one – especially in family circles – but if you were to guess which generation Scott’s referring too – which one comes to mind? <yes, all guesses, even the wrong ones, will be complimented> And, no, not all of them – I can think of at […]
Trading in my Doctor
My last doctor was a schmuck. He never bothered to remind me about my yearly appointments and required me to come in every single-freaking-year for one damn prescription. I’m on something powerful or even addictive. Hell, in most senses it would be considered designer. The last straw was when his little hench-woman of an assistant […]
Difficult Decisions: WVU Football
[this was originally a Facebook status in response to those folks who seem to believe that WVU AD, Oliver Luck, somehow caused the train wreck that was the Chumps Champs Bowl.] Dear WVU MAC and those not really paying attention to the state of WVU football: I’m pleased WVU has hired a professional for AD […]