I’ve had the most interesting experience over the last couple weeks on this blog. Normally, I’ll post something and over following days it’ll receive comments from people I know or the occasional passer by but after a week everything settles down. I’ve always surprised at the riffs that get comments and the ones that do not.
My writing on US stuff or politics rarely get any comments but the smaller, more personal stuff often gets a few replies. Occasionally, there’s a thought about posting something really slanderous just to see how many people contact me but since that stuff seems to stick with a person I haven’t … yet.
Low and behold, I may have had my first controversial post. Not on Iraq, the US or anything so obvious, oh no, the entry getting the most access and comments is one I wrote last May . The riff referenced that fact Slam Door trains were finally being phased out of the service in the UK. Having jumped out of a moving train as it left Wimbledon station after fighting to get the ‘bloody’ thing open, there’s no love loss for them in my heart.
Months and months go by and there’s nothing happening on that entry until 13 days ago, when someone leaves a comment about how I’m a ‘silly man’ for not liking the trains. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very flattered to have feedback on my writing but am a little surprised it’s come so long after posting it.
The fact two other people recently have contacted me on the same email is even more peculiar. Write about Iraq – nothing. Write about the end of those farking trains and things light up. Never rile the slam train crowd, that’s what I say. :)