In a word, Winter Magic (Ball) went great! Not good, not okay; great.
This morning my head hurts and legs are sore. But, since I can’t sleep anymore a quick post seems like a good idea. Unless of course, and I apologise this is a bit random, you post an article to the wrong blog.
I’ve been holding down both The Big Chill and Sojourner for the last couple weeks. The Big Chill was blog focusing on the activities of the Winter Ball, while this one is personal. Over the last couple days, I’ve tried to post more things on both journals. The problem occurs when I mindlessly hit ‘Blog This’ but forget to change the default upload.
And here’s where the learning occurred. I caught the mistake each time about 30s after posting (isn’t this always the way?). A quick copy, delete and paste to Sojourner and everything is okay.
Or was it? Not in the world of RSS, oh no. Today when I logged into Bloglines and reviewed my postings from the Big Chill (sort of monitoring), guess what articles appeared? Yep. All of them were there, even the ones that I deleted.
No real harm done though …
Okay, okay back to the Winter Ball (yes I’ve given up trying to rename it) …
Everyone who attended: thank you!
2008s: It was a kick ass party, it’s now your responsibility to take it to the next level; you are all cordially invited the Summer Ball
2006s: I haven’t reviewed the final numbers but your numbers were low … hmm, not good; bad strategic decision by people going into the real world soon. One more chance to have a great party this year, 8 July 2006
2006s, 2007s & XMBAs: Thanks for coming; great party and if you chose to watch CSI last night instead of coming, I’m watching it this afternoon so we’ll have something to talk about tomorrow
KV, thanks for the extra time on the front desk; it was greatly appreciated. Did you ever figure out the riddle?
Time for more coffee …
