The Observer | Magazine | Julian Dibbell repors on ‘women’s viagra’
This article may be one of my favorites of all time. Warning: when I need something to write about and feel the idea well running empty this report may come out of moth-balls.
The only problems are that a) there are a couple websites who syndicate this blog and I’d like to keep that ocurring b) My family reads this blog and I’d like to keep their respect. :)
Man, where to begin? If you haven’t actually clicked on the article apparently a drug company has created a drug that causes the following:
.”..but already this much is known: a dose of PT-141 results, in most cases, in a stirring in the loins in as little as 15 minutes. Women, according to one set of results, feel ‘genital warmth, tingling and throbbing’, not to mention ‘a strong desire to have sex’.”
Has it come to this gentlemen? Really? Tell me it hasn’t. Being married, I’m officially retired from the dating scene but not from being alive. What this article tells me is (MBA analytical and deductive reasoning) that there are a lot of guys out there that have absolutely no clue on how to, uh, you know, uh, uh get to first base. Actually, what it means is that a lot of guys are pretty incompotent on getting to second base. Tim Wilson’s right, it is a sorry world.
Since this is a family blog and my little bro’ reads this occassionally I’m not going to go into details on why this is drug SHOULD NOT be necessary but for all you Neil Young zeolots (see comments section of Neil Young riff and oddly WVU winning the national championship) and those not in the know … think nape of the neck and go from there … on average this should do the trick.
Or, (precious information for MBA admits – the inside story for those single) just attend a full-time MBA for the first term. Word on the street is that tends to do the trick as well. Of course, I vividly remember a conversation later in the first term when we were working our butts off about how ‘the guys seem to have forgotten what the female form actually looks like. – It’s called stress and it happens.
Okay, okay as the programmers are removing my blog from their sites already I shall continue because I haven’t laughed like this for a while …
‘In a rat, there’s a mating ritual,’ says Palatin’s CEO Carl Spana. ‘The female rat will approach the male head-to-head. She will wiggle her ears, she will wiggle her whiskers, she will nibble at him, and finally she’ll turn and run away.’ If the male chooses not to pursue her, she may return and, as one leading rat sexologist puts it, ‘kick him in the face’. This tends to do the trick.’
So I’ve hammered the guys enough in this riff – time for the ladies – uh, hmm I don’t know I was going to suggest the above as a possibility but wiggling your ears is genetic, whiskers tend to be a turn off, but the nibbling part – good strategy – and the running away part is often already in the play book.
As for the second half don’t know but trying it can’t hurt. I say give it a shot.
Okay in summary:
*My blog’s url is if you find your normal link no longer exists
* Boys – for the love of life, try a little harder – think for a second or two, be creative and a nice person – you’re helping to create a market that shouldn’t exist.
* Girls – be patient and if that doesn’t work, try wiggling your nose and that kicking thing – it seems kinda cute.
Ya’ll have a nice day.
The Observer | Magazine | Julian Dibbell reports on ‘women’s viagra’
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Thank you!
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