Yesterday was so busy, I can hardly remember all of it. For brevity, bullet points shall be used
- Work permits – As of yesterday at 11.30am, I have a brand new shiny X-Visa for working in India. The process was pretty straight forward and only took around 4 hours to obtain. Overall, not too bad. The logistics for India are in place. Now, I just need the doctor’s visit, eye appointment and dentist. Ugh.
- While waiting for the visa to be approved, I met a fellow Infosys intern, Rachael. She’s from Oxford and will be there as a part of her second year project.
- UEM – Our project is now complete. May it rest in peace.
- Spanish Class – our last Spanish class was yesterday. The oral exam is tomorrow. Light a candle folks, this may get hairy.
- Tickets and the Summer Ball – Sold another 20 tickets yesterday. This is better than having not sold tickets
Wow, in bullet point form that doesn’t look too taxing.
Now to send out another email concerning the Summer Ball and study accounting. My last class as a first year is this morning, Macro-economics.
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