I am coming to the conclusion pretty quickly that large well-run companies are all generally similar; especially if one has a little international work experience outside of the US.
Day three on the job brings a planning meeting with my project mentor (no bosses here) and the start of trying to gather information for my project. I’m unable to go into the details of the project, but it’s pretty cool and will utilize my new found writing skills.
Last night a group of us when out into the city. Driving in Bangalore is quite spiritual. I find myself praying to God numerous times during a journey into and out of the city. If you haven’t been here, it’s hard to explain — let’s see … think of a two lane street that is having a carnival or festival and then place cars bumper to bumper in three lanes doing around 40-60 miles per hour; throw in people, cows and dogs crossing the street and you have 25 K commute from our campus to downtown Bangalore.
It’s not the straight stretches that get hairy but when there’s an intersection because most often neither direction stops when approaching it. Thus a small prayer as we head out the door with the driver is often necessary (or at least desired).
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