Ya’ll read this before – hell I’m fairly certain I’ve written it before. Tomorrow, I have a Spanish exam. But, this time if all goes well it’ll be one of the last times the word Spanish graces this webpage. It’ll show once the grades are announced, in a year end review and will be part of the final thoughts before graduating next year.
All is looking pretty good for tomorrow. I need around a 40% to safely pass and I’ve been studying as if I need a 70%. My partner and I have been working together over the last few days and things are going well. Tonight, as I miss the last Sundowners of the term (read last one for me until May), I’m polishing the phrases, working on new words and getting ready.
All the papers are turned it (snug in their bed?) and now visions of a Spanish free world dance in my head — hmm that was weird a quick burst of Christmas prose.
Well, better get back to it. In less than 12 hours … you get the idea.