The weather in Dallas is starting to turn cool (read- 50s) and it’s raining more often (read no longer required to pay for water on my grass), which implies that old man winter is finally coming to Texas. Granted, Texas winters are a lot like London summers but it’s not as nice as the spring […]
1 More Day
The inaugural Oktoberfest mountain bike race that I’m helping with this weekend is now approaching its third and final day. It’s been a great first year event. The rain that ‘washed off the course’ finally rolled out Saturday afternoon, which dramatically helped the course and the riders. Hills, water, mud, more mud, no friction for […]
Upload Test
I’ve finally gotten my blackberry to play well with my laptop for Internet connections. This post, while not terribly informative, is my first post using the new connection.
Rainy Days and Nationalism Always Get Me Down
It’s raining in my undisclosed client location and since I work inside most days that’s okay. The cold temperatures show the seasons are clearly changing. My guess is that in Washington the same type of seasonal change is occurring. The ‘bailout’ has morphed into buying ‘just a little bit’ of each large bank with the promise […]
ESPN – Bowden out at Clemson; coach 'deserved' fate, QB says – College Football
Now if we could only apply the same standard (top ranked team not performing up to expectations) to our own team. Bowdens tend to do well after being fired from a program. ESPN – Bowden out at Clemson; coach ‘deserved’ fate, QB says – College Football