I’ve never watched this BBC show, but I’m guessing it’s some type of documentary production, or academic journal. ‘Poor little bunny’
He's Legal
Congratulations to Christian, the youngest driver on the Beckley circuit. He got his drivers’ license last week!
Financial Times: London Business School MBA ranked 2nd in world
Congratulations London Business School!!!! We just received this note from the school: Dear MBA alumni, As many of you will have seen in today’s Financial Times, our MBA programme was ranked second in the world and first in Europe. We moved up three positions compared to last year’s ranking. The report highlighted: – the graduating […]
Dilbert & Planning
Source: Dilbert.com (a must read and if everyone looked at it I wouldn’t need to post his comics here) It’s as if he’s on my project … :)
wVu 1975
No snarky remarks about how the administration seems to be pining for the good old days; or … Just a chance to watch old school wVu football and listen to one of the greatest announcers of all time. And listen to some timeless funk.