1. Point your browser to http://maps.google.com/. 2. Click the Get Directions link. 3. Enter New York in the From box. 4. Enter London in the To box. 5. Click the Get Directions button. 6. Put down your coffee. 7. Scroll to step 24.
Virginia Tech Shootings
I’m not even certain what to write, but felt it necessary to do a quick post. To the family, friends and anyone connected with VPI, you have (and I hope to speak for all WVU Alumni) our unwavering support and sympathy. Link to Virginia Tech massacre – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The End is Near: 18 Hour Meetings
Recently, thanks to the nearing of deadlines, each weekend has been dedicated to finishing or working on projects for classes. Last week it was Brand Strategy and this weekend Competitive Strategy. Comp Strat, or Consulting 101, has been a great class. For those of us heading to Consulting after graduation, it’s almost a must-have. The […]
Part II: The Day of Near Hits
After having breakfast, we went back to the apartment. A quick reference to the earlier post, cabs are damn hard to catch during rain storms so after attempting to hail 4 cabs we, well I, just decided to walk, and since Christian wasn’t overly familiar with the area he had to follow me. It was […]
The Day of Near Hits, Part I
I should be plowing through numbers for my Competitive Strategy case, but I want to get the events of yesterday into print before the memory starts to fade. My brother Christian arrived on Monday and stayed with me this week. It was his spring break and the only week that, if he wanted to visit, […]
Presentation Week
This week is presentation week at the Stern Business School. Tonight an hour training on ‘Creativity and Innovation’ followed by a 30 minute brand strategy presentation. The Management Skills training is going fairly well, the Brand Strategy project, on the other hand, is more of a case study in group dynamics, and the pitfalls of not […]
The Dark Lord
My, didn’t WVU basketball just get interesting … [Insert Darth Vader music here] ESPN.com – NCB – Huggins resigns at Kansas State to take WVU job Link to ESPN.com – NCB – Huggins resigns at Kansas State to take WVU job
Charleston Daily Mail: Article on Coach Beilein's Departure
This article outlines what I was trying to say a couple days ago, but with data and accurate information. :) To steal a line from another article, I vote we go after the ‘Dark Lord.’ Bobby Huggins. He’s an alumnus; has an ability to bring in uh, ‘tough guys’ that could help backup our finesse […]
The Register-Herald, Beckley, West Virginia – Here we go again
For the second time in two seasons there are reports of Coach Beilein receiving offers to go. Frankly, if this man wants out of WVU this damn bad – let him go. The fact that both our football and basketball coaches have flirted with the idea of departing says more about the administration than the […]
Gojomo: Fortify Firefox's pop-up blocking
I’ve become tired of loading websites only to have popups find their way around FireFox’s defenses. A quick search on the web provided a solution. Link to Gojomo: Fortify Firefox’s pop-up blocking