Soon to be brother-in-law loses hair (only on head?) for charity. All the money raised to support his hair-loss-ness goes to support the fight against leukemia. Well done old chap!
NIT Champions!
First we rang the NASDAQ bell, then Clemson’s Bell in the 70th NIT Championship. My first trip to a Finals, of any sort, was rewarded with watching WVU play an excellent game against the Clemson Tigers and the officiated crew. Well done boys!!! The Garden was full of blue and gold last night. Link to […]
NIT Finals!!!
On a last second shot, the Mountaineers are in the NIT finals. Let’s Go Mountaineers!!!!!!!
Case Study Prep
I’m getting ready for a Competitive Strategy Case meeting later today. Our case is Bernard Mathews. It focuses on what BM should do to help increase sales as it faces increasing channel pressure from retailers and how it should address new markets. Personally, I think they need more promotions around Thanksgiving. “As God as my […]
Reported to the CADB
I received this note a couple days ago … Mr Martine, We at CADB (Cruelty Against Dust Bunnies) have recently received disturbing information. It has been reported that on March 7th 2007 an entire population of dust bunnies was ruthlessly eliminated from your current place of residency. Reports have indicated that the population of some […]
Does this venison taste salty to you?
Bambi’s Mom talk about getting hit from behind That’s not tartar sauce Bambi All the cows had already been tipped I tripped How the hell was he caught? oh deer …
Going back to New York
WVU came out victorious last night after having a hard fight against the refs & NC State at the Fleming Coliseum in the Quarter-Finals of the NIT. Now the boys in blue come back to the Big Apple for the semi-finals. We have another chance to show we can win on the road.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Here’s to the Luck of the Irish – if you hope to get lucky today, I hope you do!!!!! (just not with a leprecon, they’re a little short … not that I have an issue with short people, actually their very nice, I just mean that with the little leprecon hats it might … not that […] – NCF – Starkey: West Virginia aims high for 2007
The snow is blowing, March Madness is, well for this WVU fan not that mad – but wait, just wait — can you hear it? The Drums; Almost heaven … The flags blowing in the autumn wind; West Virginia The smell of, uh, astroturf; All my memories, gather round her Pieces of seared meat, with BBQ […]
Joys of Technology
I’ve been trying to get my Palm pilot to sync with Outlook. The problem and potential solution is fairly straight forward. My Palm pilot, who I’ll refer to as Pops, is a vintage 2003-2004 Sony Clie’. It was the bees-knees back in the day and served me well over the years. Starting the MBA changed […]