This entire thing started off innocently enough. Connie and I wanted to go to a Technical Communications conference in Austin so I wrote the organizer and asked if he would like to trade some advertising and coverage for a couple spots at the event. This was the same thing we did for the STC conference […]
Dilbert: Digital Media Curation
Six Months and Counting
I write more today than ever before, but rarely on this blog. The irony is that most of the skills I acquired over the years of blogging and “playing” with technology came from writing here. I need an outlet to share some of the work experiences that really aren’t appropriate for the official TechWhirl blog. […]
I know I’ll probably take some heat for this one – especially in family circles – but if you were to guess which generation Scott’s referring too – which one comes to mind? <yes, all guesses, even the wrong ones, will be complimented> And, no, not all of them – I can think of at […]
Pursuer to the Pursued
I’ve spent a lot of my career pursing opportunities from other organizations. In a life of fundraising, which seems like centuries ago, I used to write a ton of proposals. This skill, especially the ability to write fairly well, allowed me to be an active participant in “pursuits” for my old consulting firm. More than […]
So much writing
A sunny and hot day in Dallas has me staring out the window wishing I was outside instead of sitting out my computer listening to Nickelback waiting for a call with one of TechWhirl’s writers. Hell, I just wrote our weekly update with an underlying theme of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Life has been moving […]
Dilbert and Tardiness
Personally, I like to front load meetings so those are late miss all the good stuff.
Trading in my Doctor
My last doctor was a schmuck. He never bothered to remind me about my yearly appointments and required me to come in every single-freaking-year for one damn prescription. I’m on something powerful or even addictive. Hell, in most senses it would be considered designer. The last straw was when his little hench-woman of an assistant […]
End of Week 2
My second attempt at drafting a small blog post from my iPad. I’m starting to get the hang of typing on it but my speed has dropped from around 90 wpm to uh, around 10. Last week was very productive for Techwr-l. We reached out to all of our current sponsors, made some large revisions […]
Sponsor and Advertiser Luv
Completing the purchase of TECHWR-L has put me in to unfamiliar and familiar territory. Unfamiliar to me is 95% of all the underlying technology running the site. Sure, I knew the names like LAMP, OpenX and Drupal because of my time at Infosys, but that’s certainly different than being the one responsible for it’s continued […]