One of the most important things I heard during induction last year is that business school is an emotional roller coaster. One day fantastic highs and the next the most severe lows. Today, is one of those low days. After having studied for a test for quite a long time and having thought I did […]
The Anatomy of a Search Engine
The Anatomy of a Search Engine I’m working on an Information Management presentation on new search engines and came across this paper. In deed, the start of a revolution. Ituloy AngSulong Search Engine Marketing Specialist
Flurry of Activity
I believe one can describe a global MBA with the following schedule: leave for Ireland on Friday afternoon, spend two great days touring Dublin and the southern part of the country, and then return to the UK for about three hours before flying off to France for a tour of the Airbus factory. Despite a […]
Fire hose week
I remember reading in of my pre-MBA books about the different terms. The first term was harsh but the second term was far more reasonable due to the job search and internship process. The part that I sort of forgot until last week was the writing on the third term. One of the books said something like, […]
Mad Jack
Damn Interesting » Any Officer Who Goes Into Action Without His Sword is Improperly Dressed One of the great quotes of all time: While training for the commandos, Jack was famous among his fellow trainees for praise when earned, scolding for sloth, playing his bagpipes at 3:00 AM, and making ad hoc speeches such as: […]
Each Friday before a major exam, I find myself in the company of great builders – no not construction, I mean real craftsman. The people who build their own boat or the people at Morgan who still build each and every car by hand. On these evenings, I truly understand the pride they feel in […]
Earl Woods
In memory of Earl Woods – Golf GlobalWarming Awareness2007 SEO Religion
Building Relationships
A lot of our classes recently have been discussed the value of relationships, relationship building and the concept of bringing people together. Knowledge management, web 2.0 and collective intelligence are all based on this conception. In fact, most of the MBA is about relationships. From the space race in the beginning to meeting people to […]
Best of Blogging Awards: London Business School
Clear Admit: MBA Admissions Consulting and Counseling Blog I want to congratulate Angel Angie, The Divine Miss N and KV for their excellent showing this year! Well done. The London Business School was the only school to place two current students. And our 2008 admit. :) Excellent. Ituloy AngSulong SEOluv
The Art of Negotiation
The Observer | Magazine | Julian Dibbell repors on ‘women’s viagra’ This article may be one of my favorites of all time. Warning: when I need something to write about and feel the idea well running empty this report may come out of moth-balls. The only problems are that a) there are a couple websites […]