Google introduced their themed personal home pages back in February or March back in the US. I’ve been using this as my homepage for the last couple months. The theme I have is of an ocean and the beach (one I’ll be drunk on come early August). The theme is pretty clever as it tracks […]
Marketing Strategy for Encyclopedia Britannica
Hey here are a few off the cuff thought for the folks over Encyclopedia Britannica: New slogan: Use us, we’re the encyclopedia you can cite without fear of having the second grader ding you for using a non-respected source Product Improvements Actually have useful articles; benchmark Wiki then make the appropriate changes; pull this dumb ass membership […] – NASCAR's King hoping to meet Britain's Queen
There are some classic quotes from Petty on meeting the Queen like the one below. If I meet the Queen, it’ll probably be a nod and that’s about as far as it’ll go,” Petty said on Friday at Richmond International Raceway. “I don’t know if I could talk to her because […]
The Dilbert Blog: Queen Protocol
Wish this would have been around a few years ago … Link to The Dilbert Blog: Queen Protocol
Wanted: One more Team
Recently posted on the Managing Growing Business discussion board: Dear MBA friends, Any groups out there looking for an extra person? I enjoy: Long lovely strolls along the A Wing meeting rooms Meetings with plenty of marker drawings The ability to use ‘strategise’ in a sentence and mean it Drafting less than clever emails late […]
Phone game to lessen Brit culture shock
He, he, ho, ho Wonder if it’ll have Atari 2600 graphics? {sorry Divine Miss N, semi-cheap shot} Someday, all the bathroom faucets will be mixed… :) Link to Phone game to lessen Brit culture shock
London Business School Blogging Bureau Now Empty
My posts are a little out of order, but oh well, the last week or so has moved quickly. Frankly, in hindsight, the entire experience moved quickly. It seems like yesterday that I was walking into the bureau and getting acquainted with my new blogging location. * Before I forget, thank you Nolan – I […]
Earth II
Pretty remarkable news today about the discovery of an ‘earthlike’ planet 20 light years away. Link to Found 20 light years away: the New Earth | the Daily Mail To this, we must have a Monty Python tribute (sing along, you know you want too).
Fast Paced to the End
My time in New York is quickly coming to a close. Thanks to the end of term demands of most classes including three more papers and one presentation (today, not too bad) plus the pace of our second year project picking up life is pretty hectic. I’m trying to do things in little clumps and […]
The Dilbert Blog: Outsource the Government
I assume Scott’s talking about Infosys here … :) Link to The Dilbert Blog: Outsource the Government